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Marist College is located just two hours north of Manhattan in the picturesque Hudson Valley. State-of-the-art buildings dot the beautifully manicured campus, which overlooks the Hudson River in Poughkeepsie, NY.
Founded as a seminary for Marist Brothers over a century ago, today Marist is a private liberal arts college governed by an independent board of directors. A few Brothers still live on campus and participate in campus life. Marist is home to approximately 4,500 undergraduate students.
During a counselor information session, I learned about Marist’s academic requirements and programs. Students are required to complete a first-year seminar course, a 36-credit core-curriculum and a four course Pathway, which focuses on an interdisciplinary area of study. Popular majors are communications, fashion, business and computer science. There is a 4 + 1 education program.
Marist encourages experiential learning in all areas of study. Eighty-five percent of students participate in at least one internship. Many intern in NYC, which is accessible by train. Graduates have successful outcomes, with ninety-five percent employed or enrolled in graduate school within six months of graduation.
Students are active outside the classroom in many campus-wide activities. Seventy-five percent of students are involved in athletics. There are 21 Division I athletic teams. Our tour guide was a walk-on member of the crew team. The on-campus boathouse is a big plus. Greek life has a small presence, with less than five percent joining the three sororities and four fraternities. There are several theater and music groups.
I met with the Assistant Director of Admissions, Nicole Radassao, who told me that students have a strong sense of community and are committed to service. Almost eighty-five percent of students identify themselves as Catholic and the campus ministry is the largest organization on campus. She emphasized, however, that students of all faiths find Marist welcoming. Hillel has a small presence here.
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Special Services for Students with LD
Marist offers a fee based, comprehensive LD support program for students who meet the admissions and program criteria. Students interested in the program must complete an additional application and are encouraged to apply early.
Admissions and Financial Aid
Most applicants do not apply to a specific program. However, students interested in studying fashion design and merchandising and studio art must apply directly to the program and submit a portfolio. Marist is test optional and takes a holistic approach reviewing applications. Admissions seeks students who are dedicated leaders both inside and outside the classroom. Marist offers several merit scholarships.
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